Pentagon’s Global Broadcast Services Matures

Pentagon contracts occasionally refer to the Global Broadcast Services (GBS). A variant of was first fielded in Bosnia during 1996, and special nodes were also set up in the aftermath of Hurricane Katrina. It sounds almost like a form of global satellite TV – which is close, but not quite right. GBS is not intended to replace existing MILSATCOM (MILitary SATellite COMmunications) systems in any way. Instead, GBS uses a form of “push and store” to distribute high-bandwidth information for local relay, thereby saving critical two-way military satellite communications systems from having to handle every field request.
The other thing that makes GBS so attractive is the ability to provide high-volume data directly into 18-inch antennas, allowing streaming to and storage in devices that can move with units in the field. The GBS “pushes” a high volume of packaged data to these widely dispersed, low-cost receive terminals like Eyaktek’s Satellite Receive Suite, whose function resembles the set-top smart cable TV storage box or TiVO used in your home.
This is DID’s FOCUS Article for the GBS system. The latest news is Raytheon’s efforts to maintain the contract as its underpinnings change, and continued delivery of GBS-related systems…
Displaying 215 of 1,944 words (about 5 pages)Subscribe now, and gain access to DII's coverage of important news and events concerning the GBS system. Our cross-linked article network and reference materials include:
- 4 additional photos
- Description of the satellite's functionality and its evolving mission
- Links to additional DII and DID articles including: "44 Receive Stations for U.S. Global Broadcast System," "$6.5M more for WG Satellite #3 Launch Support," and "The Truth Is Out There"
- Capabilities of the system, such as the collection and broadcast of imagery, weather, mapping, logistics, national intelligence and theater intelligence.
- Discussion of the system's mounting costs with links the Pentagon's April 2007 Selected Acquisition Report.